vasanas and self realization

How to handle vasanas

How to Handle Vasanas That Are The Root Cause Hindering Permanent Thoughtless State

Man and thoughts both are born due to and with – his nature, natural instincts or vasanas.

Be aware of all the vasanas which arise in you moment to moment.

Leave aside the vasanas which are in consensus with your inner conscience, the Heart or the Self. They are harmless. These ones which are in consensus with the inner conscience will be selfless.

Catch the vasanas which are in conflict with your inner conscience, the Heart or the Self. The vasanas which are in conflict with the inner conscience will be selfish.

The vasanas which are in conflict with your inner conscience have to be overcome by all means. ‘Strangulate’ all such vasanas. See the ego suffocating when you strangulate such vasanas.

When you see that all those vasanas which are in conflict with the inner conscience or the Self no longer arises in you, then you are purified. This is when you have controlled your mind, peace prevails then, and thoughtlessness which is the very nature of the Self establishes permanently.

– Rajini Ma, Jnani and Author of Face to Face With Reality