Advice on to lead a peaceful life – Is that what is required?
Life is always peaceful, nothing other than peace is existent.
When there is only peace, what is the meaning of “advice to lead a peaceful life”?
What advice can be given when there is nothing other than peace?
There is only peace and nothing else.
How can peace search for peace, when there is nothing other than peace?
That means, it is someone else looking for peace. The one who is looking for peace is the one called “I”? Who is that? Had peace been that, there was no need to look for peace.
And there is truly nothing other than peace. Thus something nonexistent is looking for peace. How is it possible? Ponder!
What is Life
What is life? Life is very simple! There is nothing complicated about life! Life means just this moment ! No two people in the world have the same moment! This moment is exclusively yours! It is totally personal to you! No one shares it with you! This moment is only yours, no one else’s !
Now, What does this moment consist of? This moment consists of you and what comes to you in this moment! Does it not ?
So, Life is this Moment and it consists of you and what comes to you in the Moment.
Next – how to handle this Moment? You have to first accept what comes to you in the Moment.
What is acceptance? Acceptance is to mentally accept that such and such situation is here and now. After fully accepting it this way, the next step is to do what is most righteous in the situation, whatever is the situation!
Now what is this most righteous act to be done? How do you know that? The most righteous act is what your inner voice or inner conscience, manasakshi, tells you and not what your mind tells you. How do you differentiate between the true inner voice and the minds outer voice? If you are served a bowl of apples and a dish of sweets, and if you are diabetic with a craving for sweets, your mind will pull you towards eating the sweets, but your inner voice will tell you to go for the apples. Suppose a bowl of apples and a tray of oranges are served to you and if your mind pulls you towards oranges and your inner voice will be telling you that either of these is all right. That is to say if there is a conflicting voice in you, that is, an opposing voice between the inner and the outer voice, you have to listen to, or follow the inner voice, and where there is no conflicting voice between the inner and the outer voice, there you may follow as your whims and fancies are, that is you may follow your mind’s voice or outer voice! Your job is over. Now you sit there hand on hand doing nothing. The results are not your choice. Your botheration is over once you accept what comes to you and do what is the most righteous in the situation.
In nut shell if you look at life it is nothing more than this moment and handling this moment most righteously.
What exactly am “I”?
You are also speaking of a beautiful thing that we have been provided with the senses (tool) to feel, to be felt and to share feelings. Yes, it is all there very much for these purposes. When we realise this much, mustn’t we go a bit further to find out what are we here for? Is not there a purpose there too? If so what is that and secondly what caused the existence of this purpose. For knowing these we essentially have to know what exactly am “I”?
Am I the feelings or the one who feels? I am not the one who feels but the one who witnesses both the feelings and the feeler. I am not the one who sees but the one who witnesses both the seer and the seen. I am not the one who hears but the one who witness both the hearer and the thing heard. I am not the one who analyze but the one who witness both the analyzer and the analyzed and the analysis. I am that power that witnesses the power with which every thing works. I am that still potential power which is powerless and witnesses the sprouting of the power with which I am rendered powerful.
Am I this body? –no I am not, I am the potential power witnessing the sprouting of power creating everything around, including my body. Am I limited in this body? No, I am not.
Am I the mind?-no I am not, I am the one who witnesses the coming of the mind and the stillness of the mind both. I am the witness of its creation as well as its dissolution. Every thing originates from me and everything dissolves into me and everything that originates from me is all me and all that dissolves into me are all me! All are only the waves originating from me and vanishes into me and I am the witness.
There is only me and nothing else. I am all and all is me. I witness the creation of ripples in me and the dissolution of it in me. The ripples take a course before it dissolves, the waves take a course before its dissolution. Each ripple or wave is different though all originates from me. Each has a course different from each other. What ever be the course there is an inevitable dissolution into me for another one to form. The course of the next is formed by the course of the previous. The strength and direction of the previous spot in the course of a wave decides the strength and direction of the next spot of the course of the wave. This is a play that goes on for ever and some part of me is unaffected in the depth of ocean called me some are in the superficial forming waves ,again some big and some small , some powerful and some playful, some useful and some destructive. All are just words it’s all me with no adjectives showing dualities in it.
Now think of the state when each ripple or the wave starts thinking of itself as a separate entity? Is that not ignorance. What is the vastness and the ignorance narrows it down to what. What is bringing in this ignorance? Again it my own wave form called mind. The mind wave the moment originates from me brings in all the ignorance. The mind is a powerful tool as only the mind has the power to render itself to all its powerful form into its complete expanse by stilling it. Using it narrows me down, the more I see myself being used by it I witness I am being narrowed down to nothing, a mortal being.
Am I not eternal and am I not all , am I not untouchable by everything and anything. What can touch me as all is me . I am in all and all is in me. Is not that true? Am I subject to birth and Death? No I am not. I am the one who watches all being created from me and all being dissolved into me. I am and just “am” that’s all! Nothing else! And no adjectives, no verbs, no conjunctions, no prepositions, no exclamations, rule out sentences all together. Only “ME”!
The wave, what we call as me, in the ignorance caused by the mind (again a wave of me), exists in the ignorance of being separate as an individual and decides its course. In the process, defines and creates its destiny. Depending upon the course it decides for itself it reaps what it sows. The sowing could be in a spot of the wave and the reaping could be at any spot after that in that wave. That is to say the sowing could be at a time in a birth and the reaping could be any moment after that, cud be the very next moment or cud be the next birth or any time later. The course “I” (the wave believing itself to have a separate identity) choose all along is using the mind, the mind being the cause of all ignorance sees everything in dualities and starts choosing. Depending on the choice it makes, it reaps, which again is perceived by the very mind which chooses and finds what it reaps to be of the same quality of the dualities which it chose at the time of sowing. i.e., What ever was the choice this ‘small I’ made for itself, receives the harvest in the very quality of the duality which it chose at the time of sowing. This small I in the trap of the mind is continuously in the cycle of cause and effect. The small I chooses and reaps and further at the time of reaping again sows and further reaps and this eternal process continues for ever and the small I unable to escape from its own trap suffocates.
Thus this answers our qns.
1) what am I (small I) here for?——-It is only for reaping its harvest. ie to experience, that’s all. ie To FEEL!
2) What was the cause of its coming to do the harvest?———–Because it had sown and is bound to reap what it had sown! ie our own acts are the cause of our being here.
Now , this ‘small I’ cud only escape from this vicious cycle in which it is trapped—-the vicious cycle of birth and death life after life——–only if it realized the very cause of it being in the trap of its own mind———and it is only by using this mind cud it realize this truth. It is only by using this all powerful mind alone that this ‘small powerless I’ can realize its own all powerful majestic form! The realization that the truth lies beyond the mind and not within the mind makes the small I wonder how to go beyond mind. Ways are many and various, but the best is to plunge deep down into where there is no turmoil and current, deep down where you don’t feel the waves, there is only peace, tremendous peace, conspicuously peaceful!. Swim, when you wish, to any part , the depth or to the surface, realizing all is you. Understanding these are all again remaining with in your mind. To experience it all, simply close your mind. The moment thoughts vanish you experience the expanse, experience the bliss, the eternal peace, u experience what you are. U experience you and me r one. Stop your thoughts. Have u tried to experience how u feel with no thoughts in you? just try. Just stop! Hold! Watch for yourself! Feel the stillness! Feel! Feel! Feel! This is what u hav written in ur mail . this is the very purpose of being provided with the so called sense organs (tools). Now it is complete. Complete only when we understand the entire process. We must know why we are here , what caused that and who we r . This completes it! Isnt it? When we see things in its entirety, it makes sense! – the correct sense, isn’t it?
When u feel from the centre of ‘small I’(ego) u feel pleasures and pain, heat and cold, love and hate, being big and being small, in short everything u feel is in dualities.When we exist as the big I (The real me),and feel from there all are same, no dualities there, there is only peace. This is a matter to be truly felt, it has all the depth and its implications are too deep. A state of egolessness!
Always take care of the actions, this part is existent only if we exist as the small I, ( for the real I, there is nothing to do, he is always free, liberated). What we think , say and do are the actions of this small I and the reaping is automatic! That is what people call as fate. By understanding the laws of nature the small I can mould the course of its fate or destiny. This guiding (to be righteous always) of our actions in the right way leads us in our journey from the small I into the real I. This is a slow method and a deep dive into the ocean is the fast method but is meant only for the strong hearted one and the tremendously courageous one!
Let me come to an important aspect of life and how the world refuses to see the truth.
We are seeing ourselves in bondages because of our mind, memory is part of our mind and we don’t remember our past birth relationships as for this reason we don’t find ourselves bonded with them. In the very same birth the disappearance of memories all together erases all bindings with the so called our own people even in the same birth.
It is absolutely essential to understand it all ,in the right perspective. The entanglements are to be opened and are to be set right and this right understanding starts working wonders.
We had discussed who I am and why I am here and what caused my appearance here. In the process of understanding this, u also did understand the existence of ‘small I’ due to the ignorance caused by mind, and the need to undertake the journey from the ‘small I’ into the ‘real I’ using the mind to go beyond the mind and realize the ‘real I’.
Now, the one who is entangled in relationships is the small I and all relationships exist in the mind. Nothing is beyond! Each of the ”small I’s” are in its own world created by its own mind. Each is in ignorance of different levels and each is in the process of its own evolution to the ‘self realization’. We “the small I’s” are seen in bondages only due to our own longings / desires of the past. Or the reaping of our own sowing. The sowing has to stop for the reaping to stop and in the process the existence of ‘small I’ vanishes merging into the ‘big I’. This journey is to be undertaken by each ‘small I’ and each one is at different levels. This journey is being undertaken by each one irrespective of the other. One “small I” who might be the lowest cadre worker in an office or the youngest of a family or the most insignificant person of the society who sits on the road side mending shoes or the most ridiculed by all could be the one who has realized the real I or at a very high level that he cud cross any moment from the small I into the expanse of the whole and the other small I cud be this small I’s most superior boss at office or the most respected elder of the family or the most respected significant person of the society or the most rich, proud of his riches who never sees even the existence of the man who polishes his shoes everyday so religiously. Now these people are bonded in a social manner which cud never be understood by the ignorant. The one who realizes the truths understands all well and knowing well of the realities in its fullness does his worldly duties or undertakes the job of reaping till all is over and takes care not to sow any further while undertaking the business of reaping! Does it say every thing? This very attitude of reaping raises the reaping process into its highest level. The reaper who is higher in the evolutionary cadre takes care of the other in all ways with all his emotions in control(here the question of control does not arise as the realization of the truths itself lifts him from all emotions-the very quality of realization is thus). Now, when the care is taken in a state of emotionlessness, u urself imagine how effective it wud be?
Q: How to do Self-enquiry
When you have a problem, ask yourself ‘who’ is having the problem! Or, anything like that, like who the questioner is …! Immediately your mind starts the search but it invariably gets stuck, unable to pin point!
Feel that stuck mind unable to move, not knowing what!
This stuck mind is what you have to catch hold of!
That is the glimpse you get of the ‘no-mind’ state!
The mind unable to move, stagnant and stuck for a second, with your full attention in your inside which you get immediately as the question is thrown at you either by somebody or by yourself, is what you have to capture! FEEL IT!
May be you will be able to just have a glimpse of the blankness for a second or so, but that’s the key you are not to miss!
The more you do this, the more glimpses you get. But if a mature/pure soul does it, the happening that many crave for happens instantaneously and effortlessly.
For the mind to be still and unwavering, even for a second, one needs a pure mind. To be established in that blankness it needs to be immensely pure.
The purer the thoughts, the thinner the mind, and the easier for it to enter the ‘no-mind’ state, just like a highly speeding vehicle can’t be put to halt by a sudden break as it would overturn. So before applying breaks, one has to slow it down!!!
All techniques are not meant for all, especially this technique !
This technique works only for those souls that have reached the verge of the maturation process!
When the question is put to you, your attention stills and your mind stills unable to find who you are!
For this stilling to happen, it needs a very slow mind or a thin mind, devoid of much activity!
For stopping a vehicle it needs to be slowed down first before applying breaks!
Similar is the case with mind. For the stillness to happen, it needs to be a very thin mind where there aren’t much of haphazard and strong thoughts pulsating!
For reaching that kind of mental state, it needs to be a pure and mature mind.